Saturday 24 January 2015

LO1: Analysis of a website

A website has many purposes, that has to cater to the audiences specific need or requirement. These needs are: Information, Entertainment, Education, Shopping and Finance.

This is the BBC news website. The main purpose for this website is to inform their readers on ethical and political events. This website is easy to use and is set out for people who are interested in learning more about political and ethical matters.

The target audience for BBC News is preferably aimed at people within the ABC1 category on the demographic scale. These are generally people that are employed and have a steady income with quite a bit of disposable income. The age range this website is aimed at is people between the ages of 28 and up, this is because this age range are people that are possible generally concerned with the news.
 In terms of the visitors needs, I have come to understnad that the BBC News website follows visitors needs by providing them with the suitable information that they are looking for within different catergories of sub-genres. These are all reliable sources due to the fact that these servers are being constantly edited and developed in terms of updating with new information the the people that visit the website.

The layout of the BBC News website is a very simplistic website which is displayed clearly for its viewers. Within this webpage is a toolbar that consists of different types of headings which indicate the sections of news they desire to view the most. Also there are displays of joint venture within this website displayed by the very top toolbar next to the search bar. This consists of links that take the user to the different BBC subsidaries like Radio and iPlayer. 

The BBC News websites webpage consists of different types of tools in order to aid the user when naviagting the BBC News webstie. The first thing I can denote when I look on the BBC New website is the BBC News logo its self. This logo is more than just a standard logo design, it consists of a hyperlink that allows the users to be taken straight to the homepage as soon as they press it. For example if you were to be on the BBC Sports section of the website you could press the BBC News logo and be taken straight to the BBC News hompage. Another thing I have denoted is the use of all the subheadings for  like World, UK, England and Wales. These subheadings consist of links in order to to direct the viewer towards the type of news they want to view the most. By clicking on subheadings such as UK you would be given the information on all UK news, where as if you were to press England you would be flitered to just news within England.

BBC News believe that all news should be accessable anytime and anywhere, and they do this well by allowing users to access the company through web. This website is a success due to community contributions in order to gain more news for BBC's widespread media.

 In terms of the house style of the BBC News website I have come to understand that their colour scheme has changed over time from being a blue webpage into a red webpage. The website itself has now also become a high resolution webstie and is no longer pixelated in comparrison to when it first started, this is due to the fact that as time progressed so did the quality of websites meaning that teh BBC were now able to produce a sleeker looking webpage with a high quality of pixels. However the font type that the BBC have chosen to use within the BBC News website has not changed since they day it was created.

Information flow/ User Experience- 

YouTube is a means of entertainment that is used by billions of people around the world, for people that share an interest in multiple things that range from topics such as music, vines and sports highlights. The target audience for YouTube is aimed at a younger audience preferably between the ages of 16 and over, this is because most of the videos cater to their needs and desires on the internet.

The way in which you get around this website is by using the search bar, this gets you directly to a video and recommends many others for you to search. There is a subscription tool which is a main feature of this website because it gives you daily information feed on uploaded and new videos other YouTubers have published.

This website allows you to create and account in order to sign in and gain additional features, such as comments and subscription.

National Geographic is a website designed in order to educate their viewers. This is a website that holds a lot on information and different geographical things within our planet. The target audience for this website is aimed at people within the ABC1 section of the demographic scale, from the ages of 20 and over, this is because this is a more mature target audience that will have a clearer understanding on what this stands for.

On this website you can also create and account in order to purchase different products and merchandise.  This website is navigated by clicking on the different subheadings, these direct you to different sections of the website depending on that you desire to see.

Amazon is a shopping website that is used worldwide by millions of users, on this website you can buy and sell multiple things online and purchase the newest up to date products possible. This website is designed at an older audience that have probably left college or are working with a steady income. This website has been designed to be easy to use, by just writing the input within the search bar. This helps the customer gain the most accurate and closest to the searched product.

This website can only be used if you sign into or create a new account, this allows you to input customer locational and personal information in order to gain your products. All the personal information that the website have on you will not be shared with anyone else because its personal and against the law to share information without the users permission.

The specific needs of Amazon usser is to buy products, Amazon allows users to do this by letting them brows using the searchbar or the toolbar on the side of the homepage. This makes it quick and easy for users to navigate around the website by allowing them to simply type in what they're looking for on the website. The toolbar is a longer means of searching for the desired item, however it is nearly just as accurate as the search bar.

The Amazon website is set out in a way that is easy for its users to navigate around in order to find what they're looking for. This website is easy for the users to find exaclity what they need just by writing the name or brand of the product they're looking for. When taking a closer look at items that you're interested in purchasing Amazon will give the user a description of what the product is about and how it is used in order to increase the users awarness on the product they're interested in. Also Amazon provide images in order to show the users the quality of the product that they're selling through visuals.
Amazon is a very large website that consists of loads of different products that are avaliable for their customers. The website consists of a large searchbar at the top of the website in ordeer to give the users a more accurate means of navigating around the website for specific items. There is also a toolbar that consistsof different categories and items for users who are searching the website to use. I can aslo denote that the Amazon website consists offers on different prudcts and discounts in order to make shopping cheaper and more affordable for some customers. The amazon logo is placed on the top left corner of the website, this is convenient due to the fact that people will see this logo straight away when they open the website in order to connote a familiar family brand.

 The benefits of using Amazon can go both way for people in terms of buying and selling. The reason for this is due to the fact that seller are able to make a profit for the products they're selling, however they have to give a small percentage of the cut to Amazon in order to sell their product. And buyers are able to buy luxuary iterms

The final purpose of a website on the internet is in terms of finance. The Santander website allows users to do online banking

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