Wednesday 7 June 2017

Website Link

LO5: Feedback

These are the three testplan results I have gained back.

Sam Chubb




Salik Nawaz

From the results I have gathered I have come to a conclusion that my overall navigation of the Bradwell Junior School website is quite fast and active. This means it should be reasy for parents to navigate around our school website. My overall website runs fast and has downloads that work poperly. Firefox and Chrome worked the fastest in terms of loading the website, these are the two best preformers in terms of a website running. my house style is quite simple yet relaxing which should put the user in a good mood when navigating around the website.

LO4: User Testing

I will be using a test plan in order to evaluate the areas of my website in order to test preformance. The main thing I need to find out is if the navigation bar works properly within my website, I also need to see if my gallery slide works within the website.

Test Plan:

The criteria that my test pla addresses are primarily focused arolund the navigation, loading time, internal and external hyperlinks and preformance of website on different browsers or platforms such as a mobile phone.

My website roughly took around 2.80 seconds to load on the Firefox browser. This is the quickest result I've found out of the browsers. The slowest page to open was the 'About us' section of the website, I'm guessing it was due to the combination of text and a image why this could've been the slowest but im not completely sure as of yet.

LO3: Site Versions

This is the Bradwell Junior School logo that I created on photoshop. I tried to stick with this colour scheme for the whole website, because the colour sky blue is quite a relaxing and calming colour that should keep my viewers relaxed.

I used Wix in order to create the website for Bradwell Junior School, it gave me a template to start off with in order to properly structure my websites compisition properly.

In this picture I was inserting information such as the school address and email in order for parents to be able to email and find us VIA maps.

I changed the the welcome sign on the homepage in order to give the viewers a warm welcome to the site.

I inserted my logo to the slide show of the homepage so visitors know exactly who we are.

Within this section on about us is a paragraph from the headteacher on the schooland what it stands for.

 I added the schools location so if people wanted to find the location of the school they could just go on maps through the website.

I removed the image of the woman from the template and inserted admissions information, informing parents how to apply for the 2017 year.

Here is my finished website that I have made for Bradwell Junior School. I have shown all thre steps I have taken in order to make this website how it is right now. I personally believe that I have given this website a quite relaxing look to it which many parents would love to see from a school website, due to the fact that everything is clearly set out and is visible for them to access.

LO2: Budget

It roughly costs around $520-$620 per year to keep up and maintain a website, but the price can also change based on the amount of times maintenance is don on the website, such as ubdates.  This would contain a domain name and continued website updates as long as the websites running. Looking at the cost including the marketing, the cost to devleop the website including the promoting would cost around $750 per month.

LO2: Purpose

The purpose of creating a website for Bradwell Junior School is to make it more pleasing for the people using the website, due to the fact that the current website is quite unpleasent to look at. This is due to the simplicity of the website and the colour schemes used.

I am trying to inform parents the important information based on the school, such as preformance and how the school properly functions.

LO2: Launch Date

I am hoping to Launch my website sowhere around the 10th of May, this will probably happen after I have gathered all the information and pictures for the website.

I am planning to gain feeback from my website users, I will be sending them a test plan in order to complete the feedback section. With this feedback sheet I will be looking at how areas of my website preform and work. I will be handing 5 forms out and will be recieveing 5 back after they've looked around my website.