Wednesday 7 June 2017

LO2: Legal and Ethical

Copyright issues:

the website I am producing for Bradwell Junior School will not breech any of the copyright laws, due ot the fact that I am producing the website for them using the information they've give me to use. The information that has been given to be is the general information about the Junior School.

Asset List:

- Pictures of the school (outside and inside) and of the surrounding areas.
- Information that the school are wanting to be included on the pages, (newsletters, catchment area, what's going on).
- Logo of the school.
- Events/School calendar.
- Message from the head teacher on the home page.
- Contact information.
- Policies e.g. Uniform and behaviour.
- Photos of things that happened in the school.
- Performance table and results.

- List of local things to do that could help with school work like the library.
Data Protection Act:
   The data protection act makes sure that personal information about a customer isnt used inapropriately by a business or organisation.

When considering the things I need to do about my website, it is important that I keep all the data I have personal and private, this is because the information the school website will contain will have on children and the parents/carers.

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